It may Best Piano Teachers

Piano lessons Oakville Ontario

Academy of Music - Oakville
1994 the Academy of Music has taught over 5000 students ranging in age from 3 to adults
in Oakville Ontario. We offer private piano lessons as well as music lessons on guitar, voice, violin, viola,
fiddle, ukulele, drums, saxophone, clarinet, and flute.


Music lessons on piano, guitar, voice, violin, viola, fiddle, ukulele, drums, saxophone,
clarinet, and flute - All In One Location!
A proven track record of excellence since 1994.
Month to month lessons.
Optional performance opportunities throughout the year.
Conveniently located at Speers and Fourth Line in Oakville.

"My children have been attending the Academy of Music for five years. Caleb plays piano and Jamilya
does voice. They have always had superb teachers who are enthusiastic about teaching music.
My son plays the piano so beautifully and I credit it to the solid guidance that he gets from his teacher.
Jamilya is always eager to attend her lessons and for a fourteen year old, this is remarkable!"
- Cathy Chumfong, Oakville Ontario

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Addison Music Learning Centre Oakville, Ontario recital
Addison Music Learning Centre Oakville, Ontario recital ...
Piano Lessons Oakville - The Best Piano Lessons in
Piano Lessons Oakville - The Best Piano Lessons in ...
Piano Lessons Oakville
Piano Lessons Oakville
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