
Piano lessons Mesa AZ

Open up to your own unique voice. Play piano with energy and freedom.

"With singing, your body is your instrument. Helping you become all you can be as a performer is my number one goal. Protecting your voice is a close second as we work to strengthen your vocal range and the quality of your sound. As well, piano students will learn techniques that will speed up their comprehension of sight reading and/or improvisation. Teaching gives me an opportunity to energize my students and share with them historically proven techniques - as well as new ways of practicing and performing." - Marty

Originally from Boulder, Colorado, Marty moved to the Phoenix, AZ area eight years ago. Marty has over 20 years of performing and teaching experience. She studied for three years at the School of Music, University of Colorado, Boulder. She has studied in the Masters program in vocal pedagogy and has performed in a variety of venues from blues to opera.

You will find her pedagogy technique to be respectful of the masters that have come before her. She is also open to new techniques from belting (in popular music), to microphone usage skills. As a student, you will be invited to perform in student recitals. You will be joining a team of dedicated, passionate performers who know the pleasure of performing.

As a beginning and intermediate piano instructor, Marty will guide you in the basics of sight reading. If you prefer, your piano classes will consist primarily of improvisation and chord progressions (you will also learn a little bit of sight reading which will help you 'flesh out' the melody). You will gain a solid foundation in music theory as well as an introduction into the vast world of music history. All age ranges are welcome, from the beginning elementary student, to the retiree just now finding the time to pursue their passion to perform.

I have authored a variety of music theory articles to assist you with your progress. We use these in the lessons to speed up your assimilation of the material. You will receive support via this literature and will quickly recognize how music theory supports your efforts with either singing or playing the piano.

*** Lesson Details ***
Your voice is unique to you. How you currently sing and what you want to sing will be the foundation from which we work. We will explore your voice and strengthen it via breath and physical exercises and practice with a repertoire that suits your individual tastes. We will also prepare your mind for quick and fluid articulation of your musical sensitivities.

Music theory and various musical explorations will assist you in moving forward in the most rapid manner possible. Whether you are twelve years old or sixty-five, you will find fun as well as perceptive methods for strengthening your passion for musical performance.

Since your body is your instrument, I am very conscious of the need to assist you in waking your body up in order to perform most successfully. The warm-up exercises include not only traditional vocalizes, but also methods for stretching your body and strengthening your diaphragmatic breathing. My students become very aware of any residual tension in their bodies. Singing is a wonderful way to get in touch with - and expel - any way in which you might 'close down' or 'tense down' your physical body. By working with a caring professional, you will learn how to freely share your unique talent with the world.

As we progress through the series of classes, you will use breathing exercises to activate the thoracic (throat & chest) and visceral (stomach) cavities. Your lessons will continue into specific vocalization exercises; such as singing scales, triads and specific exercises to assist you with fluid musical expression. Traditional ear training will also be a part of the lessons for intermediate students.

Many of the lessons I teach include a theme of working on confidence, vocal projection, breath support, finding and releasing tension, vocal range expansion, audition preparation and stage performance. All singing includes a core of story-telling. You will be encouraged to 'deconstruct' a song and discover the story, along with the emotions that are found in the lyrics of the songs you will sing.


In a similar fashion, my piano students will work on exercises to establish kinesthetic learning or muscle-memory. I have a unique method for sharing chord-progressions and piano improvisation. You will learn to quickly share music in a satisfying and pleasing manner that will surprise you and the people who hear your music. From your unique 'ear, ' and via your new-found understanding of music theory, music will pour out of your piano.

As a piano student, you will also be exposed to lessons of the masters who have taught for hundreds of years. Sight-reading at the piano is a very enjoyable skill. It is also a foundation from which we will work (while taking in mind your particular interests). Again, whether a pre-teen or a senior citizen (or anyone in between!) who has finally found the time to explore their musical talent - you will find classes uniquely suited to your musical trajectory.

Piano Lessons kids music lessons: Evelyn 2013
Piano Lessons kids music lessons: Evelyn 2013
Fun & Easy Music Lessons near Arlington, TX for kids or adults
Fun & Easy Music Lessons near Arlington, TX for kids or adults
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