5-String Bass Guitar Lessons

5 string Bass Guitar Lessons

5 String Bass Guitar Info

5 String Bass Guitar Info

5 String Bass Guitar Info

The 5 String Bass – Now, Later, or Never?

5 String Bass Guitar Info – A question that usually comes up by a beginner bass guitarist is should they start off on a 5 string or a 4 string bass guitar. There are many opinions with this – some say that you should start off on a 4-string, some say that since you have never played bass before go ahead and start with a 5-string. My opinion is that both sides are correct, but I tend to lean towards starting out with the 5-string as a beginner. Buy it really all comes down to your preference, and you will need to decide this for yourself. Hopefully this 5 String Bass Guitar Info will assist you with your decision. Keep in mind, that either way you choose – you really can’t go wrong (as long as you stick with it, and work hard).

Standard 4-string

Has four strings (E, A, D, and G). Easy to learn, tons of books and lessons out there. There are thousands of songs that you could learn that have 4-string bass tabs. The 4-string is pretty much the standard bass used in today’s music. The 4-string may be easier to learn on than the 5-string? The 4-string has a thinner neck than a 5-string also…

5 String Bass Guitar Info

The 5-string

Has five strings (B, E, A, D, and G). Could be a little harder to learn, books and lessons are available, but not as many as the 4-string. The neck is wider on a 5-string bass to make room for the 5th string. The notes on the low “B” string can get just as low as notes on a synthesizer (heavier bottom end).

Advantages of the 5-string…

Solo Bass Guitar Lesson - #5 Open String - Stu Hamm
Solo Bass Guitar Lesson - #5 Open String - Stu Hamm
Guitar Chord ~ Bass Lesson Right Hand Technique for 5 String
Guitar Chord ~ Bass Lesson Right Hand Technique for 5 String
Bass lesson On Right Hand Form For 5 String Bass Guitar
Bass lesson On Right Hand Form For 5 String Bass Guitar
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