Downtown Piano Works - Musical

Piano lessons Frederick MD

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+See Verified Local Reviews

"I highly recommend Mrs. as a piano instructor for anyone interested in playing. My son has been attending sessions with her for over 2 years" and he has grown tremendously. He looks forward to going to practice and enjoys playing at the various recitals around town. He also likes the group sessions Mr. has at her house where she invites all of her students over to play for each other while enjoying refreshments.See Verified Local Reviews Mrs. really takes her time to learn what the child is interested in playing and makes recommendations on books that is the most fitting. Let me add that Mrs. is always prompt and ready to start each lesson(only one cancelation since we have been attending and she gave well over a weeks notice, and this was due to a family emergency). MRS. YOU ROCK!

"I was given an estimate for repairs between $125 to $150 dollars for the repair. Demetri called me to inform me of the costs and then gave me a call to tell me" the repairs had been made and the total cost was $117. I went in on Saturday to pick up the accordion and the owner was so warm and friendly. She told me the accordion we had purchased elsewhere was a wanted item for the color. We needed new leather straps and she found us a pair that matches the color at a good price.

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Scott Frost Southwest Florida ( Redbones Fort Myers FL. )
Scott Frost Southwest Florida ( Redbones Fort Myers FL. )
TV DX from Fort Myers, FL (Tropo 2005-08)
TV DX from Fort Myers, FL (Tropo 2005-08)
Tori Amos 20 October 1996 Fort. Myers, FL
Tori Amos 20 October 1996 Fort. Myers, FL
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