Jack Semple

Guitar lessons Regina

Guitar and Bass Lessons, Regina, SK
guitar lessons in regina B Sharp Music offers private guitar lessons (one student, one teacher). The lessons are ½ hour per week or 1 hour every second week at B Sharp Music, 1530 Albert St.

The cost is $75.00 per month (four ½ hour lessons or two 1 hour lessons per month). Our teacher, Gernot Schlegel, has taught at B Sharp for over 20 years.

Gernot Schlegel has toured much of North America. He has recorded in major recording studios where artists such as the Rolling Stones and Ramsey Lewis have recorded, most notably Chess Studios in Chicago.

Gernot covers the gamut in terms of musical styles ranging from country to jazz, from Hendrix to Albert Lee and Pink Floyd and from Stevie Ray Vaughn to Green Day and John Mayer.

All tunes are represented from a technical and "feel" perspective.

Since teaching at B Sharp Music, Gernot has upgraded his musical education by taking several online classes from the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. These classes include: Scales 101, Chords 101 and 201, Jazz Guitar 101 and 201, Acoustic Guitar Techniques and R&B Bass.

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Blue Rodeo - Bad Timing - Guitar Gerry - Lessons Regina
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Regina Spektor - Samson : Guitar Lesson
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