Guitar Lesson For More Than

Marty Schwartz guitar lessons Beginner

Playing guitar is way easier than you think!

I'm not just saying that - between pro gigs I taught guitar privately, and after a few years I stumbled upon a unique system that allows anyone at any level to make huge, immediate leaps, even if you've never held a guitar before.

Don’t listen to anyone who tries to tell you that you need “musical talent” or “natural rhythm” to master the guitar. It’s nonsense!

When you follow the simple steps in this book, you'll be able to play complete songs for your friends or anyone else and you'll do it quickly!

Here’s what you will find in this book:
1. How to shave off hours of practice time and retain more of what you learned (This is the holy grail of muscle memory - crucial to rapid mastery.)
2. Easily learn arpeggios & palm muting, allowing you to create your own "magical sound."
3. Discover amazing bar chord * techniques for a "fuller" sound an added dimension to your songs.

by sir ponage

this is great for beginners, but it takes a little long for the videos to load.

Great resource
by jrosen76

This is a great intro to guitar book. It is essentially a series of links out to Vimeo videos, but each video is a full featured lesson. There isn't really text, but the lessons are all very clear.

by Nesnes08

Great iBook for beginners!

Marty Schwartz Guitar Lessons - Quick Tip 1 - Cable
Marty Schwartz Guitar Lessons - Quick Tip 1 - Cable ...
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Marty Schwartz Guitar Solo Lesson - Solo Concepts to ...
Marty Schwartz 12 Bar Blues Beginner Lesson
Marty Schwartz 12 Bar Blues Beginner Lesson
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