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Beginners piano lessons books

Piano Lessons For BeginnersWant to learn how to play the piano? This is a totally achievable goal, for students of all ages! With the right tools and a little focus, you may be surprised at how quickly you become proficient in basic piano techniques.

In order to build a strong foundation, however, you’ll need two things: first, a great piano teacher to help guide you along. Second, a set of quality piano lesson books for beginners. Although you may be excited to get started, it’s wise not to dive right into tough theory and techniques before you’re ready! The following books are wonderful options for beginner piano players:

Alfred’s Basic Piano Course Lesson Series

The Alfred’s collection of piano books is incredibly popular with students of all ages. The Basic Piano Course lesson series progresses in small steps, so that the information is easy to replicate and remember. As the lessons progress, students will learn the names of the piano keys: first white, then black. As one of the most sought-after piano books for beginners on the market, this book is a sure step toward practical piano skills!

Alfred’s Basic Piano Course Theory Series

The Alfred’s Theory Series is designed as an accompaniment to the Basic Lesson Series, but the two do not necessarily have to go together. If you’re interested in learning more about musical theory and the intricate workings of your new instrument, this is the book for you. These theory books can be worked through on their own or together with the practical series for a more rounded education. Your piano teacher can help you decide which steps to focus on first.

Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Book 1

The Hal Leonard series of piano lesson books is a compelling one for students. The workbook is designed so that the greenest of beginners can create music right from the very start of their studies. Simple instructions and illustrations, as well as an accompanying CD, make the first step toward becoming a real piano player as easy as possible. This book makes at-home individual practice simple, while leaving room for a private piano teacher to fill in the blanks about technical considerations and musical theory.

Ultimate Beginner Series

If you are a focused and dedicated, yet impatient student, some piano lesson books for beginners may frustrate you due to their slow pace. Not this one! The Ultimate Beginner Series uses text and a DVD accompaniment to jump right into the world of piano playing and teach you about chords, arpeggios, playing with both hands, and even playing music by ear. This is truly a workbook for an inspired virtuoso in waiting!

Learn the Piano Book 1 | EASY | Beginners | Lesson 9 part 2/40
Learn the Piano Book 1 | EASY | Beginners | Lesson 9 part 2/40
Learn the Piano Book 1 | EASY | Beginners | Lesson 10/40
Learn the Piano Book 1 | EASY | Beginners | Lesson 10/40
Learn the Piano Book 1 | EASY | Beginners | Lesson 8/40
Learn the Piano Book 1 | EASY | Beginners | Lesson 8/40
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