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Piano lessons software

Learn-to-play piano software for childrenWindows XP/Vista/7 or Mac OSX
Ages 4 - 10 • Discover the most exciting and effective way for kids to learn the language of music! The award-winning Children's Music Journey 3-Volume Series features 18 of the greatest composers/performers of all time who expertly teach children about their lives, works and how to read music, play piano with both hands, compose and improvise.

Beautifully animated with a "Disney-like" feel, Children's Music Journey incorporates a "teach, practice, apply" methodology and ensures kids have fun learning by taking part in engaging lessons, activities and games. In the home or classroom, children as young as four can learn piano, guaranteed!

Inside the 3-Volumes:

  • 95 Interactive Lessons taught by 18 famous composers (Beethoven, Bach, Joplin, Mendelssohn, Villa-Lobos, Satie, Dvorak, Mozart, Beach, Tchaikovsky, Handel, Chopin, Scarlatti, Haydn, Bartok, Chaminade, Debussy, & Schumann)
  • 95 Practice Sessions with ‘Miss Melody’ the friendly practice room teacher.
  • 150 Learn-to-Play Songs and famous pieces.
  • 30 Games to reinforce theory and make learning fun.
  • Composing and Improvising with dozens of instruments, sounds, beats, and pre-loaded arrangements from classical to rock ‘n roll.

Awards & Accolades

Children’s Music Journey has been recognized the following organizations:

  • Learning Village
  • Yamaha Club Magazine
  • National Parenting Publications Award (NAPPA) &
  • Two 1st Place awards, Early & Upper Elementary Music. The Education Software Review. (EDDIES)
  • Two 2008 Preferred Choice Awards, Creative Child Magazine
  • The Keys To Achievement Foundation
  • Pro-Art Musica™
  • American Federation of Teachers

#1 in Early Education

Awarded an A+ by elementary educators, the Children’s Music Journey Series addresses music reading and understanding objectives identified by elementary school music curriculums and is a valued solution for elementary school districts. The program provides an excellent background for continued development with the piano and is an ideal preparation for band programs. In 2006, the American Federation of Teachers selected CMJ to represent 21st Century elementary music programs.

Children’s Music Journey Software Vol.1

The perfect tool to introduce young children to the language of music, and develop an ability to play the piano. After a 30 second introduction in Lesson 1, the program requires input from the child every 3-10 seconds.

Animated versions of famous composers such as Beethoven, Bach, Joplin and dozens more engage the child from beginning to end of an exciting journey of music discovery. You'll be impressed by how quickly they learn.

The numerous educational and entertaining games and the improvisation room help reinforce theory and ensure kids learn the language of music in a really fun way.

Concepts Learned in Volume 1: High notes, low notes and middle C • Repeating short rhythmic patterns • Historical summary of 5 great composers and a variety of great piano works • Directional note sequences, descending/ascending, from/to, middle C • Double & Holding notes • Finger numbers • Middle C position • Stepping notes • Musical alphabet & keyboard letter names • Half notes and whole notes • Composing & improvising using the above concepts

Children’s Music Journey Software Vol.2

The second volume of the widely acclaimed interactive music education software series, with even more famous animated composers providing interactive instruction and introducing new musical pieces.

Parents and children will love all the activities. This volume offers many new fun and exciting games such as Guitar Girl, Metronome Soup, Dueling Musicians, Build a Song, and many more. This title promises to increase your child's musical knowledge, composition, piano playing and improvisation skills, providing months of fun.

Concepts Learned in Volume 2: Quarter notes, Dotted half notes • Tapping 1 and 2-bar notated rhythms • Playing songs with a metronome • Grand staff, treble and bass clef • Historical summary of 5 great composers and a variety of great piano works • Notation of middle C position notes • Skipping notes • 3/4 and 4/4Time signatures and bar lines • Dynamics f, p • Repeat sign, Quarter & Whole Rests • Playing hands together • Eighth notes & Ties • Composing on the Grand Staff & improvising using the above concepts

Children’s Music Journey Software Vol.3

The third volume of Children’s Music Journey introduces seven exciting new composer teachers and take music learning to a whole new level with 35 new lessons and 50 new learn-to-play pieces. At this level, children are playing pieces with chords in the left hand and melody in the right hand. The final "Lesson" includes a Recital where children demonstrate their skills to the 18 composer teachers, family and friends.

Completing the series ensures children have fun learning the language of music leaving them with an interest and talent to enjoy, for life!

Concepts Learned in Volume 3: Sharps, flats and naturals • Half rests • Historical summary of 5 great composers and a variety of great piano works • Notation of standard C position • Increase range and diversity of repertoire • Intervals of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th • Songs with chords (left hand) and melody (right hand) • Tapping Notated Rhythms, Hands Together, with Rests and Ties • Composing & Improvising using the above concepts
Piano Lesson Software by Andrea Monk : start playing today!
Piano Lesson Software by Andrea Monk : start playing today!
Download Piano Lessons - Best Piano Software?
Download Piano Lessons - Best Piano Software?
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