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Detailed lesson plans in Music

Where do these drugs came from?They may camefrom plants, from animals, and chemicals. Excellent! What are the different formsof drugs?Drugs have variedforms like in capsule form, tablet, pill, liquid and powder.I’m glad that you have had mastered ourprevious lesson.

3. Motivation

Class, I am going to show you a short video clip.What you are going to do is to observe andafterwards I’m going to ask your reactions basedfrom the video presented.Am I understood class?Yes, sir!Now, what have had you observed fromthe video presented?We observed that the personsuffered a severe headache, He is hallucinating andexperienced difficulty inbreathing.What do you think are the reasons whythese particular situations happen?These situations happenbecause of the effects of taking or abusing drugs.Very good!

B. Developmental Activities1. Presentation

This morning, we are going to discussall about the classification of drugs according touse and effect.

a. Setting of Standards

But before that, what will you do while yourteacher is discussing in front?Listen, behave, sitproperly, understandthe lesson, cooperate, and participate.Can I expect that from you?Yes, sir!

2. Lesson Proper

Class, I will group you into three. This willbe the group 1, 2 and 3. I have here some strips/photocopied materials containing the three classificationof drugs according to uses and effect. All you have to dois to discuss the topic, note/lists and write the importantdetails on your manila paper.Am I understood?Yes, sir!I will give you 5 minutes to do it. After yourgroup discussion, you are going to select 1 representativeto report it in the class.Am I understood?Yes, sir!

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Homeschooling Lesson Plans
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Detailed Lesson Plan
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