Lessons in High Wycombe

Guitar lessons High Wycombe

bltm-music-centresThe Music Service runs three main Music Centres in Amersham, Aylesbury and High Wycombe.

Each centre runs a wide range of groups, choirs and ensembles as well as offering theory and aural tuition and providing links with other local community music groups. There is also some instrumental teaching in the centres although we encourage pupils to have their lessons at school where possible to ensure they can engage with a range of opportunities in their centre.

All young musicians are welcome to join our Music centres and access the ensembles, choirs, groups and classes. We encourage all musicians to be having individual lessons but they do not have to be with BLTM teachers. We also welcome young musicians who live outside the county as our Music centres may be the best option for them in terms of provision or location.

All the Centres organise a range of concerts, events and performance opportunities in the Centre, in the local area and as part of wider, larger Music Service projects. We are committed to ensuring that every child who takes part in the Centre gets the opportunity to perform as part of their provision.

Each centre also runs some satellite activities in their area and is always looking to develop both this provision and their links with other opportunities so do get in touch if you cannot get to an activity that you want to do as we may be able to direct you to a good alternative.

Each Centre issues a termly newsletter for parents and friends to keep up to date with what is happening. The most recent ones are available below. Please contact your local centre for any further information you may require.

Forthcoming concerts and events are all posted on the calendar on the home page.


Area Leaders: Fiona Jacob and Catherine Buczak
Timetable link
Link to newsletters


Area Leaders: Penny Hale and Fay Hayhurst

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