Let s talk about music lessons

Music lessons for elementary students

Looking for more ways to connect music to other areas of the curriculum? How about?

* an ABC book? Combine music with language and visual arts by creating an ABC book of music terminology, composers, or famous musicians.

* a music history timeline? Make a timeline of historic events in the history of American music, jazz, country music, rock, or another genre.

* a musical "routines?" Include music as a motivation for classroom clean-up. You'll find fun lyrics for singing at Tidy-Up Transitions from Dr. Jean, Songs for Clean-Up Time, or It Is Time to Clean the Room.

* Amelia Bedelia? Amelia Bedelia is up to her usual zaniness in Bravo, Amelia Bedelia! Read aloud the book and then have students illustrate the silly scenes that Amelia "orchestrates" - from picking up a train conductor (instead of the orchestra conductor) to Amelia's version of a B flat (a flat bee) and a drumroll (you guess!). Students are sure to give Amelia a standing ovation.

Student music lessons
Student music lessons
Student Teaching-elementary
Student Teaching-elementary
Music lessons
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