Walking bass line that

Hey Joe Bass Lessons

Scott's Bass LessonsUsing a plectrum to play bass!...

Surely not?! ;)

Well actually, if you're aiming to be a versatile and in demand bass player you certainly should be able to play bass using a plectrum (also commonly referred to as a pick).

Just as an example of how effective using the plectrum can be when playing bass I recommend checking out Carol Kaye, Bobby Vega, Chris Squire, Steve Swallow and Justin Chancellor. All are phenomenal bass players... and all of them play with a plectrum.

Unfortunately playing bass with a plectrum has a certain stigma attached to it. In the past I've heard crazy statements such as "you're not a real bass player if you play with a pick"... which is completely untrue. In the video below I explain where this stigma has originated from - and why you should completely ignore it.

With many of students I've worked in the past with I've seen constant bad habits and incorrect techniques when using a plectrum. In this lesson I'm going to show you 4 exercises that you can apply straight away to help you clean up your picking technique.

As always, see you in the shed...

Scott :)

  • 'The Modes Revealed' - Mini Course
  • How to Land Killer Gigs (wherever you are in the world!) - Video Tutorial
  • The 3 things you must know when buying any bass - Video Tutorial
  • The Backing Track Library - multiple awesome play-alongs.
Hey Joe by Jimi Hendrix tab and video lesson for bass guitar
Hey Joe by Jimi Hendrix tab and video lesson for bass guitar
Hey Joe
Hey Joe
bass guitar lesson hey joe jimi hendrix
bass guitar lesson hey joe jimi hendrix
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