Guitar Lessons London Acoustic

Beginners Electric guitar lessons

Whether you have just taken up the guitar, or you have been playing for a while and need some guidance, this site is for you. is a guide for the guitarist with different courses for different abilities. The first course is for the complete beginner and starts with the basics. Each lesson progresses from the one before, although each lesson can also be used in isolation if you prefer.

How to use the site

If you are a complete beginner, start from the first lesson and work gradually through each one in order. The first lessons are very simple, so you could tackle more than one at a time if you find that you are making quick progress. If you feel that you are a bit further on than a beginner, you could dip into the lessons where you like, using the titles as a guide. When you get to lesson five, try going back to lesson one for a recap. This will reinforce the lessons in your mind. Repeat this idea throughout the lessons. At lesson six, recap lesson two and so on. The later lessons will suggest this anyway.

How often should I practice

Practice every day, if possible. It's better to start off with five to ten minutes a day than for thirty minutes once a week. Practice Tip. Try not to leave your guitar in it's case. Have it on a stand or hanging on the wall so that it's easy to pick it up and just start playing.


We'd be interested in any thoughts you have about the lessons. If you have any feedback on how they could be made clearer, or disagree with any of the techniques or approaches, please contact us using the email address in the Contact Us section.

ELECTRIC GUITAR (Beginners) Lesson 1
ELECTRIC GUITAR (Beginners) Lesson 1
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Beginner Electric Guitar Lesson DVD Video Learn Play
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