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Fourth Grade Music lesson plans

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Description: Continuing music literacy focus using music that reflects themes of the month of October and November (i.e., autumn, Halloween, and Thanksgiving).

  • Kindergarten
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Objective: Introduction to the music room, the music teacher and the 4th year of the music curriculum

  • Third Grade
    Fourth grade 1 more ..., Fourth grade

Objective: SWBAT begin analyzing a new piece of music based on their proficiency level as determined by their last test

Objective: Introduction to music, the music classroom, and music teacher Rhythm, Pitch, and Treble Staff

Objective: Introduction to reading and playing the whole note and half notes on pitches D, C, and B on whole, half, and quarter notes.

Big Idea: Because incorporating forms of artistic expression is an important part of learning, students will create a song/poem to explain the events and significance of the events in the book Bud, Not Buddy using voice recorder interactive technology.

Resources (17)

Reflections (2)

Favorites (1)

Objective: Students will practice reading and writing the notes on Exercise 1-4 depending on what exercise they completed two weeks ago.

Objective: Assess learning over past 3 lessons Review and play worksheet 1 on the recorder flute

Objective: Students will take a test to demonstrate how much they have learned through doing 4 lessons in exercises to strengthen rhythm identification, pitch recogni…

  • Kindergarten
    , First grade, Second grade, Third Grade, Fourth grade, Fifth grade

Objective: Objective- Play the blues on the guitar using using correct fingering, rhythm, and pitches LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE-Students will be able to work collaborativel…

  • Kindergarten
    , First grade, Second grade, Third Grade, Fourth grade, Fifth grade

Objective: Students will reinforce their understanding of facts about rhymic and pitch notation and recorder fingering.

  • First grade
    Second grade, Third Grade, Fourth grade, Fifth grade 4 more ..., Second grade, Third Grade, Fourth grade, Fifth grade

Objective: Students will know the rules of the music classroom, what activities take place in the music classroom, and what they are expected to learn in the summe…

  • First grade
    , Second grade, Third Grade, Fourth grade, Fifth grade
  • First grade
    , Second grade, Third Grade, Fourth grade, Fifth grade

Objective: Students will be able to learn how to identify different styles of music and how to access those styles at the keyboard station

  • First grade
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  • Kindergarten
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  • Kindergarten
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Fourth Grade Lesson Plan
Fourth Grade Lesson Plan
Fourth grade Music lesson
Fourth grade Music lesson
Fourth Grade Lesson Plans
Fourth Grade Lesson Plans
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