Guitar lessons Champaign IL
An outstanding learning experience starts with outstanding people, so we've assembled a world-class team of instructors at Guitar Center Lessons in Champaign. They're ready to guide you on your musical journey whether you're a beginner or advanced student, and with our high-tech, acoustically-treated rooms, you'll have the perfect environment for that journey as well.
Like all Guitar Center Lessons locations, we also host a wide variety of free workshops in our Champaign store. They're a great way to broaden your musical horizons, with diverse topics ranging from home recording to basic ukulele and much more. Call 217-378-8780 or come see us in-person to get all the details about our workshop schedule. We're always happy to sign up a newcomer for these fun and informative sessions!
What to Expect
As much as there is to love about GC Lessons in Champaign, the best part of all may be that we're located inside a well-stocked Guitar Center store. That makes us a one-stop shop for everything musical, so when you come in for your first lesson you'll be able to pick up your starter instrument right on the spot. Hours run seven days a week, so it's easy to make a plan that works for you no matter how busy your schedule may be.
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