Acoustic Fingerstyle Guitar

Acoustic Guitar lessons book

How to Play Guitar: Everything You Need to Know to Play the Guitar

The acoustic guitar can be a daunting instrument to a true beginner. Understanding how to tune the instrument, string it, and play even basic chords can feel out of reach. For these players, " How to Play Guitar" is a choice to help them get up and running. Readers who recommend this book enjoy it for its straightforward tone, absence of technical jargon, and helpful lesson plan. The book takes readers through a series of lessons that begin slow and allow the player to adjust to the increasing difficulty.

Guitar for the Absolute Beginner

For those who learn well with a visual aid, " Guitar for the Absolute Beginner" can be a valuable resource. The book includes a DVD containing demonstrations of how to perform each step, and it takes players through a series of chords to build a song structure. The book also offers information on tuning and other basics of owning and playing the guitar. The DVD and book package is suitable for adult and child players alike, and some extra material like word searches can help younger players stay interested in the material.

Guitar Aerobics: A 52-Week, One-lick-per-day Workout Program for Developing, Improving, and Maintaining Guitar Technique

One of the most difficult parts of playing the guitar is overcoming the physical obstacles of muscle strength, flexibility, and muscle response. " Guitar Aerobics" aims to take players through a workout regimen to help them improve their technique, stamina, and versatility. The book is suitable for acoustic and electric guitar players alike, and it covers several musical styles. Players learn alternate picking, arpeggios, string skipping, and other techniques through the lessons, which are suitable for daily practice. The book is appropriate for players who already have some playing experience and are ready to expand into more difficult techniques than basic chord strumming.

Mel Bay Mastering the Guitar

For players who have learned some basic techniques and are ready to step into advanced playing styles, " Mel Bay Mastering the Guitar" can point them in the right direction. The book covers information including scales, chords, and melodies. It also teaches players to read music and guitar tablature. Readers who enjoy the book say it works well as a teaching tool and makes it easy for students to enjoy learning some advanced techniques.

Acoustic Blues Guitar Lessons
Acoustic Blues Guitar Lessons
Acoustic Guitar Lesson - Beatles Blackbird - Mr Big To Be
Acoustic Guitar Lesson - Beatles Blackbird - Mr Big To Be ...
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