Lesson Plans

Black History Month Music lesson plans

Black History Month Music lesson plans

November 11, 2022
General music classroom ideas include “What Can One Little Person Do?”, celebrating the lives of Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Rosa…

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Musical lesson plans

Musical lesson plans

October 21, 2022
Find the latest in professional publications, learn new techniques and strategies, and find out how you can connect with other literacy…

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Music and movement lesson plans

Music and movement lesson plans

October 20, 2022
In Advance: On a rainy day, draw children s attention to the weather. Look through the window together. Ask questions such as, What…

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Film Music lesson Plan

Film Music lesson Plan

October 11, 2022
ReadWriteThink has a variety of resources for out-of-school use. Visit our Parent & Afterschool Resources section to learn more…

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Integrated Music lesson plans

Integrated Music lesson plans

October 7, 2022
Song: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” Element to Teach: Math/Patterns Grade: K – 1 Concept: The students will understand patterns after…

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Early childhood Music lesson plans

Early childhood Music lesson plans

October 2, 2022
This curriculum area s focus is called Music and Movement for a reason and it is not because students will spend it sitting in their…

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Music lesson plans for Primary school

Music lesson plans for Primary school

September 5, 2022
Lesson Plans Overview The Explorer lesson plans and activities aim to integrate marine themes into strands taught in primary schools…

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Voices in the Park lesson plans

Voices in the Park lesson plans

August 24, 2022
Background Voices in the Park uses story, imagery and even fonts to tell the story of a shared space (the park) through the voices…

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Music lesson plans for Middle school

Music lesson plans for Middle school

August 23, 2022
These lesson plans are in addition to the Music Toolkit lesson plans. Jump to: Each lesson plan listing below includes the target grades…

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Toddler Music lesson plans

Toddler Music lesson plans

August 12, 2022
As a music educator, with experience teaching music to young children for over eleven years in various forms, I know weekly I am still…

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Piano lessons Plano

Piano lessons Plano

July 12, 2022
Hey There! My name is Ryan B. I play and teach guitar, bass and drums, and piano and would love to teach you or help you improve your…

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Music around the world lesson plans

Music around the world lesson plans

May 25, 2022
By – Jennifer Dalke Subject – Music, Language Arts Grade Level – 4-5 Learning Standards: 25.A.2c, 25.B.2, 27.A.2a, 27.B.2 Integrated…

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Music lesson plans KS2

Music lesson plans KS2

May 4, 2022
At Key Stage 2, children sing songs and play instruments with more confidence. They improvise musical compositions in response to stimuli…

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Voice lesson plans

Voice lesson plans

February 24, 2022
Directions Days 1 and 2: Identifying Strong Voice in Picture Books Step 1: Explain to students that writing is more interesting and…

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Music lesson plans for Preschoolers

Music lesson plans for Preschoolers

February 19, 2022
Danville, VA- Averett University announced a new music initiative on Wednesday. It s called Growing Up Musically, aka, G.U.M. The 12…

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